

salam n have a great day guysssss.........

Why no update from dis blog.....HUH!!! Normal la tu dh mls la tu....



Abaya Everyone?

Hi and Salam All Readers,

This morning when I was in the LRT heading to work, I saw a few Arabs Girl wearing abaya and OMG they looks so pretty despite being covered from head to toe. So during my free time in the office ( i Hope my boss donno about this :P), i googled up about on how to wear abaya. To my suprise, there are alot of colourful and fancy abayas available nowadays that I jadi rambang mata and decide to find one for me..hehehee..Oh btw, abaya means a
looses-fitting, long outer garment won by Muslim women especially in Middle East. It's essentially a robe like dress, black in color and covered the whole body except face, hand and feet.

The ever famous Hana Tajima wearing abaya

Then I Googled up how to wear Abaya as a work attire, OMG, is soo buying abaya after this. Cant imagine that it can be match with a cardigan or jacket and some accessories to make it look smart and sophisticated.

Credits to Hijabstyle for the inspiration

Smart Casual On Friday, Friday..

Gold and Red can never go wrong..Loving it
Jacket + Abaya

Inspired by HijabBetterThanBarbie

Blue Theme by Hegab-Rehab

So what do u girls think? Cantik kan, so for me being a hijabis does not restrict us being fashionable rite?. Hope u girls can try it out ^_~
Oh before i forgot, if any of this blog's reader yang ade jual abaya, feel free to drop us ur link. Who knows u might get a customer ke..hehhee..

Credits to HijabStyle, AMW, Stylish Muslimah, Hana Tajima

Much Love,

Lipstick Anyone??

Hi Loveliness,

Ok here is a confession, I did not wear lipstick to work because I will end up licking my lipstick..heheh..Seriously. At one time I only wear the Nivea Cherry lipbalm supaya my lip look merah sikit la mcm Angelina Jolie, but I end up licking my lips all day long sampai my mum was asking "sodap sangat ke ur lips tu? rase skit.." hahaha..Malu ohkay.

Me Trying To Get Those Sexy Lips :P

So to avoid u guys end up like me or like the pic below when applying lipstick, here is some tips that u can try.

That Clown Kinda Scary kan..

If people say u look pale
  • What Kind of Lipstick : Shade of red lipstick that has a blue undertone, it will balance ur complexion and brighten up ur skin. Also add on Sheer gloss tinted red for redilicious impact. True reds..woowoot.
  • No No To : Red lipstick with pinky undertone  beacause it will bring out any redness in your skin and you will look lagi pucat.

If peole say u have darker skinned:
  • What Kind of Lipstick : Red Shade that really pops, Deep Red with glossy Red make the color stand out. The darker ur skin, the darker the red should be.

Kim K red lipstick is soo Chantique..
If people say u have medium skin tone:
  • What Kind of Lipstick: Brown reds or those with a little berry in them. Consider cherry reds or applying gloss over the top of your lipstick. Try also berry-toned reds in plums, raspberry or cherry.
  • Who suit this: Asian skin will generally fall into this category.  
Shimmering Gloss add an effect to the red lip.
Yuna with cool red lip.

So now u know the right red lipstick for u, hope u can try it and who knows it might boost ur confident and cheer u up kan. Gud luck uoll..

Credits to : Primped, Beautifulnara

Much Love,

All About Shoe Again

Hollaa Loveliness,

Its been a while since we posted the last post..Everyone was caught upwith work + housework and also homework..hehehe..
So today, it about shoes again..Donno why lately beeing doing alot of blogwalking on finding the right shoe. Its not like I'm buying new pair of shoe(s) just have this "obsession" about shoes when I posted the last post..ahaks..Hope u guys enjoy it ^__^

Credits to : Sofia & ShopItToMe

Much Love,

What Shoudl I Wear To Work Today..

Salam n good day guyssss

Hectic?  Don’t know what to wear? this look ok wit me or do I look so ……? Sound very familiar rite…hehehehe….well being woman of course we want to look gorgeous with our attire kan? Probably below tips can help uols to look gorgeous yet elegance and simplicity  at ur lovely working place ;p

 Blouses : Conceal cleavage at the office, and always avoid wearing any shirts that are too tight. Virginia Tech's Career Services Center suggests wearing cottons and silks, while avoiding velvet. You should try wearing neutral colors such as off-white, gray and brown and button-up shirts. You don't necessarily have to tuck in your shirt, unless it's company policy, but you should keep your shirts tailored so that they aren't too baggy. Blouses should end at your hipbone.

 Skirts : The skirts you wear at the office should be long enough to end near the knee, as suggested by Free Beauty Tips. Avoid any type of miniskirt at the office, as well as skirts that end at your ankles. You can choose from a variety of materials that aren't costly, including wool, cotton and linen.

  Pants  :If you decide to wear pants, make sure that you iron them to keep the fabric looking crisp and void of any wrinkles. Tailor the bottoms of the pants to keep the fabric of the pant from trailing on the floor, as well as not riding up to show your socks or ankles. According to Virginia Tech's Career Services Center, you should wear solid colors like black, gray and brown and pair them with a simple, tailored dress shirt.

Shoes  : When deciding on a decent pair of shoes to wear for work at the office, you should first consider your comfort. You will want to avoid shoes that will make you uncomfortable during the day, such as high-pumped heels or platform shoes. You should also avoid showing off your toes, as this can be a safety hazard if something were to fall on your feet. Try wearing comfortable loafers or high heels with low pumps to keep your feet stylishly covered. Again, you will want to choose neutral colors for your shoes.

Accessories : Keep your accessories simple and tasteful. According to Free Beauty Tips, wear jewelry void of any glitz or glam; this includes dangling earrings and things with glitter and flashy colors such as hot pink. The website also suggests avoiding ankle bracelets. Instead, choose simple pieces like stud earrings, pearl necklaces or a watch. Also, avoid wearing too many pieces of jewelry at the same time, and try especially to avoid wearing a necklace and earrings, as this places too much jewelry around your face, according to Free Beauty Tips

credit to: ehow page 


harap anak-anak semua sihat la yer.. musim hujan ni banyak penyakit datang menyerang..sini selesema, sana demam, batuk-batuk...yang penting jaga kesihatan dan elakkan daripada terkena hujan. Kalau dah sakit tu, cepat-cepat makan ubat tapi kalau tak ok jugak pegila jumpa tuan dokter yer..
Hari ni Mak Tok sambung lagi..petua menjaga kecantikan muka ni...hari ni pasal jerawat sebab ramai datang jumpa Mak Tok tanya petua macam mana nak hilangkan jerawat..iyelah ada yang bakal naik pelamin tu tak nakla mukanya tak chantek iyer dok..

Petua iii : Menghilangkan jerawat

          i. Ambil putih telur dan letak dalam bekas.
          ii. lepas tu ambil kapas sapukan putih telur tu kat kapas.
          iii. dah tu tekapkan kapas tadi ke tempat jerawat...insya allah jerawat tu nanti akan melekat kat         

Petua iv : Menghilangkan Jerawat halus/ jerawat pasir

         i. Ambil 2 sudu tepung ubi dan campurkan dengan air asam jawa. jangan cair yer biar pekat.
         ii. sejukkan selama 30mnt dalam peti ais
         iii. sebelum tido sapukan kat muka ala-ala mask gitu..

Tapi macam biasa Mak Tok ingatkan, kalau memang kulit anda bermasalah yang teruk, dapatkan nasihat pakar sebelum mengikuti petua yang Mak Tok berikan ni yer..
selamat mencuba...

Handbag can Flatter Ur Body?

Salam and Hi Loveliness,

Do u guys know that YES (Year End Sales) 2011 have started?? It is on from 15.11 till 1.1.2012..So i bet that every weekend, sure u guys spend ur times at the mall rite??hehehe..

Handbag and women, no one can separate them.(sape agree angkat tangan! ;p)..Women buy handbag because they like the design or because it is the latest trend. Most of us are not aware that handbag can flatter our body. It even can add or take off few pounds of your figure.  Ooo Lala..
With the rite handbag, it will make ur outfit looks perfect while the wrong bag can kill ur dress..ouchh..The shape of ur bag must be the opposite of ur body shape.

So here are some tips for u girls who are scouting for hanbag(s)..hehehe.
  • Tall + slim = slouchy, rounded bag

  • Short + heavier = Tall, rectangular / long and sleek.

  • NO Tiny handbag for Tall gal. It should be floppy or bulky handbags.

  • Petite Gal = Small bags close to your body

  • Large hips = Short straps & easily tucked under the arm.
    The best bag will be shoulder bag or a hobo bag that hangs slightly but ends well above the hips, any handbag that falls on the hips draws attention to this area you may not want!
  • Top heavy women = Large bust. To draw out attention from our “gift”, your handbag should has a long strap and is large in size

  •  Curvy woman = Shoulder bag that ends just above the waist

Now u know what type of bags that suit u, we hope this tips will help u on choosing d rite handbag..So girls Happy Handbag Hunting..Weehuuu...

Credits to BagBible.

Much Love.